Danmarks Radio
The full web solution was made with Vue and runs on Firebase.
In partnership with Shortcut and 1508, I’ve been delivering an intuitive editor for DR Ultra Nyt+ - a news app for kids in the age 9-14. The hope from DR was to create an easy digestable quiz format, engaging kids in a wide variety of news topics.
All this would be done in native mobile apps with a web backend for editors to create new and engaging content.
The real-time collaborative editor
DR’s editors are able to create quizzes and plan QnAs (live chats), within a consistant and real-time UI also including user-management and statistics.

The challenge here was to create a flow where quizzes could be non-linear and allow the kids to explore other parts of the quiz depending on their choices.

The QnAs allow editors to plan and facilitate live chats where kids can posts questions to invited guests (typically experts or celebreties). Guest will login via a generated email-link, and only be shown questions moderated by DR editors.

All quiz responses are also handled and aggregated to create simple and GDPR friendly statistics.
More than 7.768.573 responses was captured from kids all over Denmark.